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07 5476 3700

Women's health

At EastCoast Women’s Centre, we provide support and advice to women of all ages.

Our clinic offers a full range of womens health services, we are here to assist you in your needs and consult in an environment comfortable for all women.

Book an appointment today.


Well women's health checks

The health checks every women needs in her 20s , 30s, 40s and 50s

  • Sexual Health
  • Cervical Health
  • Reproductive Health
  • Breast Health
  • Heart Health
  • Bone Density
  • Bowel Cancer

Cervical Screening Test

The Pap smear has now changed to the Cervical Screening Test.

The Cervical Screening Test is offered to women aged 25 to 74 every 5 years. This procedure looks and feels like a Pap smear; a doctor collects a sample of cells from the cervix using a small brush. The main difference with the Cervical Screening Test is its ability to detect the HPV virus that can cause cervical cancer.

If an abnormal result is found, further testing such as a colposcopy or biopsy, may be required. Once further testing has been completed we will be able to talk you through treatment options, if required.


A colposcopy is a further examination of your cervix with a colposcope—which looks similar to binoculars on a stand—provides a magnified view of the cervix.

This examination is similar to a Cervical Screening Test as a speculum will be inserted into the vagina. A special liquid will then be put on your cervix to highlight abnormal areas. This procedure will take from 10 to 15 minutes and is not painful.

If a biopsy is required the doctor will remove a small sample of tissue, so it can be sent and examined at a laboratory. Taking a biopsy does not cause pain however, you may experience a feeling of pressure or a slight pinch. Results generally take 2 weeks to process, at which time we will inform you of any results.

Genital Wart Diathermy

Gential warts are one of the most common sexually transmissible infections and are often caused by the HPV virus. Our team can remove genital warts using diathermy treatment.

Diathermy involves the use of electrical energy to produce tissue damage. It is often used for larger numbers of warts or when other treatments have not been effective.



Menopause is the process your body goes through to become infertile.

It is a natural event that occurs in every woman, generally around the age of 51 although it can occur anywhere from 45–55 years. Menopause arises when your ovaries stop producing the usual amount of oestrogen and progesterone. These hormonal changes are what cause the symptoms of menopause.

Regular symptoms include:
  • Hot flushes
  • Vaginal changes
  • Mood swings

Our team can help you understand the different stages of menopause including, perimenopause, menopause and post menopause. We can also help you work through these stages in a comfortable way.

Vaginal Pessary

A vaginal pessary is a prosthetic device that is inserted into the vagina to support a pelvic organ prolapse of the uterus, bladder or rectum. A prolapse can occur when muscles and ligaments fail to support the organs of the pelvis. Vaginal pessaries are a non-surgical option and can be fitted at our clinic.

Skin Checks

As we live in a tropical climate it’s important to have regular skin checks at least once a year. If you’re suspicious of anything on your skin, don’t hesitate to call the clinic and book an appointment.

We perform skin checks for melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. Our team can diagnose skin cancers, or potential problems, through a physical examination and biopsy.

A biopsy is a quick procedure where part or all of the spot in question will be removed, so it can be tested and examined in a laboratory. We can perform the biopsy in our clinic and will follow-up once we have the results.

Performing regular skin checks on yourself is also an important aspect of protecting yourself from cancer. Look for:
  • New moles
  • Any spots that change colour
  • Spots that look different from others
  • Moles that change in shape, size or colour
  • A spot that becomes raised or develops a bump

STI Checks

Sexually transmitted infections are passed on during sexual activity. There are more than 20 types of known STIs which can be transferred via vaginal, oral or anal sex.

It’s important to have regular checks for STIs as many can cause health problems if left untreated. We recommend coming to the clinic to be tested every 6–12 months. It’s especially important to be tested if:

  • Your partner has an STI
  • You have a new partner
  • You have frequent changes in partners

Generally, testing will require you to provide a urine sample or undertake a blood test. Tests are situational and, in some cases, may require you to provide a throat, vaginal or anal swab. This can be done yourself, or our staff can perform the swab for you.

Once we have the results of your examination, we will require you to book a follow-up appointment. If you do have an STI, we will go through all information with you on how to move forward with treatment. Most infections can be treated and cured though there are others, such as herpes and HIV, which can only be controlled with medication.